Friday, May 21, 2010

On the Beach, May 2010

A pelican died today,
Its ridiculous wingspan
As black as a car’s oil pan,
Its feathers slick from the bay.

The reporter reassured
Only a few dozen died.
That’s small comfort to the bird,
Or the beaches washed by tide

The crude rides like a pony.
The BP spokesman’s a pro,
Some might even say phony,
Though why should we even go

Into the valley of blame,
Since we all drove here to see
The latest calamity,
Another dark sort of game?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Macbeths in the Studio

So much blood had the old king
That his killers soaked their feet
In what they’d labored to bring

Screaming from his veins, the beat
Of the tyrant’s dying heart
Fading drop by drop to sweet

Eternal silence.  The art
Involved in violence inspired
This black study, with red part.

Another Summer Night Somewhere in England

The silence after the storm
Lengthens into the dark night,
And so the lovers, so warm,

So unaware of their plight,
Refuse the routine of speech,
Knowing they’ll never get right

The words that belong to each.
Instead, they stare at the clouds,
Eternity out of reach.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Pedophile Priest's Haiku

Father, forgive me…
For I have been called “father.”
In Your place I sinned.

Monday, May 17, 2010

If Only

Somewhere there’s a reason
Waiting for a question
With anxious, long-held breath,
Hiding in the apathetic shadows
Cast by the flickering images
On all those primal screens.
No one ever asks.
Still, the reason feels fear.
Anything is still possible.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer 1983

You worshipped the sun
As I did the darkness,
You with your sailboat,
Swims at frigid Spring Creek,
Obsession with tanning,
I with my Morrison mania
For leather, whiskey, and sin,
Weaving under the blurry stars
I knew were constantly falling.
By September no “us” existed,
And you said you wished
That I had died instead of her--
The last thing we agreed on.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wordshop #1

Something unpredictable
Is in the air tonight—
A tang of delirium and danger,
Spontaneous rage.
Perhaps three days of rain
And three nights of booze
Have led us to this point,
But who can really say?
I’m not talking about us.
“Us” is a construct.
Like air.  Like rage.
Like rain and booze.
Like what you just read.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Invention of Time Travel

That day the shore will break on the waves
And the clouds will be filled with sky.
Rain will rise from the soggy soil,
Which will slowly begin to dry.
Tears will climb jilted lovers’ cheeks,
Carrying betrayals on their silver backs,
And the aged will rise from their chairs
And run outside to watch the falling sun.
Smoke will vanish into the stacks,
As all cars back into their garages.
Passion will decelerate from orgasm,
The spasm easing into the foreplay,
Bodies slowly pulling themselves apart.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


The blinking cursor, e-twitch,
Reminder of responsibility,
Relentless drive to utterance—
Blank canvas, silence,
The stillness before dance,
Actors frozen on stage
Before the lights come up—
The moment our eyes meet
From across the busy bar.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring in Oklahoma

Rain whispers on the shingles,
Trickles down the windows,
While a radio in another room
Offers static and Loretta Lynn.
We tiptoe around the edges
Of the loneliest of nights
Fantasizing a morning full
Of sun and winning numbers,
Warmth, kept promises,
Tiny green tendrils clawing
Their ways into this world.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The real question
Is seldom asked
In polite company

For fear of panic,
Foolish stampedes
Toward certainty.

Like faithless monks,
We look away
From the accusation

In each other’s eyes,
The shared scorn
At our cowardice,

Terror at the answer.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tornado Alley

Green’s a bad color for a sky
On a day when everything sticks
And suddenly nothing’s moving,
You realize the birds are mute
And the squirrels unseen,
The TV screen ablaze with red
Radar tracks of pure turmoil
And they’re heading your way,
Where everything lies, waiting.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Claw Hammer

Like a crane
With the snout of a shark,
One long, rubbery leg
Longing to be held, hefted,
While the silver head,
Flat and merciless as prairie,
Pounces upon the quaint nail,
Pounds it out of existence,
Or at least out of visibility,
The body entire arcing
As an extension of the arm
Of this wielder, this worker,
Maker of fragile monuments.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Restless imbiber,
Bastard child of randomness
And purest, cleanest spite,
Your white silk shirt, wrinkled
From countless altercations
With authorities local and state,
Is ripped from collar to tail,
Covered with ashes and stains,
Reeking of freedom and death.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rhetorical Question

Fire by day.  Fire by night.
And the bright light of today
Burns away the memories
Lying in the depths of the bone.
Pay attention.  Take notes.
You’ll be asked—inevitably—
To give some sort of account
Of your various actions.
And what—oh, sinner—shall you say?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Pain of Theology

Oh great and gracious God,
Whether figment or firmament,
Fiction or fundamental,
You seek me as I seek You,
In the deepening darkness
Where all lies and all truth
Turn out to be the same
Fatally flawed translations
Of all we meant to say.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Voices

And some are so nearly round
They roll in all directions
And won’t be stacked,
But chortle with chaotic glee.
Others are so perfectly flat
They pile atop one another,
Layer after layer of sound,
Multitracked slices
Of prairie monotone.
A few congregate in the corners,
Smoking themselves raspy,
Whispering like lovers sure
No one will ever, ever listen.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I never saw a sky so full of stars,
The shining bright as teardrops.
I sat for hours and stared
At messages from millennia ago,
Last-gasp flickers, supernovas
Sad but necessary as the silence
Hiding between the clouds,
The moments between the hours.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Stones standing watch
Over the fields of nothing
Stretching beyond the eyes
That are too tired to see.
In the dim distances
Of this fading moment,
We finally realize
We’ve no destination.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why Ask Why?

When everything is obvious
Nothing is extremely clear—
Tentative answers don their gauzy cloaks,
And saunter down an endless, ill-lit hall
Through a succession of half-open doors
Through which tantalizing tableaux
Never quite click into focus. 
Something’s on the tip of your tongue,
Sweet and salty at the same time,
Familiar yet wholly strange,
So you turn to the face in the mirror
And could swear you’d seen it before.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Wisdom of Owls

This is where you’re quiet,
And this is where you’re not.

In this way you remember,
Except when you forget.

The stars are not to be trusted—
Even they drift like stellar snow.

The very earth beneath you
Is unstable as the economy.

The hobos digging in the dirt
May be coyotes in disguise.

Late at night after much wine
You can sometimes see the gods

Perched in the branches of the sky.