Having made a few women cry.
Having cried in front of a few women.
Killing animals that weren’t threatening me,
Like that snake, and in front of my children.
Pledging a fraternity because my friends did
And then trying to get other friends to pledge.
Having briefly registered Republican
During a selfish Libertarian phase.
Having let myself get fat, lazy, and soft,
And deciding to just stay that way.
Having written too many checks
But raised too little hell.
Having idolized O.J. Simpson—
Having ever idolized any athlete.
For not speaking up when I should have,
And for speaking up when I shouldn’t have.
For quitting smoking marijuana
And drinking a lot more instead.
For reducing God to a failed religion,
Making it too easy to dismiss Her/It/Him.
For thinking I was anything special—
Believing my own quite-biased press.
For ever having hurt my Pam—
No woman’s deserved pain less.
For not staying in touch with friends,
And for making all those excuses.
Above all, for not paying attention
To each second of each blessed, blessed day.