Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Poems: "Childhood" and "Middle Age"


The long slide glistens in sunlight, 
A chute from Heaven to sand.
On the way down, eternity passes.
From the top, you can see the ocean,
Filled with flipping white dolphins,
Above them the cobalt sky.
The marbles are still in your pocket,
A Cat’s Eye amongst them.
You push away slowly, and slowly fall.

Middle Age

The sidewalk shivers, February chill
And the coldness of concrete converge.
You walk up, from your usual station,
Images fleeing the edges of your eyes.
Among those left behind—your father,
Scarved against his own savage winter,
Trudging through the calf-deep snow.
The house key’s in your small pocket—
Open the door to a home you’ve never seen.

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